Treatment for Children & Teens


Early childhood treatment (Phase 1 treatment) may be necessary to help prevent serious problems during tooth and jaw development.  The American Association of Orthodontist recommends visiting the orthodontist by the age of 7.

At this age, most children will have a mixture of adult and baby teeth.  Around this time the orthodontist can start to identify any developmental problems in the teeth or jaws.  If done early, interceptive care can correct these problems sooner and possibly avoid more difficult and invasive treatments from being necessary later.

Early treatment (Phase 1) is meant to address and correct significant problems that can alter normal tooth or jaw development when children still have some of their baby teeth.  Typically, at the end of Phase 1 treatment, patients will be placed in an observation stage to monitor continued growth of the jaws and eruption of the remaining adult teeth.  Frequently, a later stage of treatment (Phase 2) will be necessary once most of the adult teeth have erupted.  This treatment will allow for final correction and straightening of the permanent teeth.

The following is a list of some of the things to look for that may mean your child needs orthodontic treatment:

  • Teeth that are crowded, blocked out of normal alignment, or growing in the wrong place

  • Teeth that do not come together normally when biting

  • Chewing or biting food is difficult or uncomfortable

  • Early or delayed loss of baby teeth

  • Prolonged finger or thumb sucking

  • Jaws that do not appear to be growing proportionally to the rest of the face

If you would like to learn more please request an appointment by contacting our office or filling out the form online.


Orthodontic treatment is most commonly started in the early teenage years.  This is when most individuals will have nearly a full set of permanent teeth in their mouths.  This is also the time to get a clear idea of how the teeth will look and feel long term if no orthodontic treatment is done.  Today’s orthodontic treatment can happen faster and more comfortably than in the past.  There are also a variety of options that may be available, such as traditional braces, clear braces, and clear aligners (Invisalign®).

Here are some of the reasons why orthodontic treatment may be right for your teen:

  • Straight teeth can lead to healthier teeth long term - When teeth are overly crowded they may allow for food and bacteria to be more easily trapped between them.  Properly aligned teeth are easier to keep clean with normal brushing and flossing.

  • Problems with the teeth can get worse over time - Sometimes addressing the problem of crowded or misaligned teeth early can save the hassle of more challenging treatment later in life.  These teeth problems can get worse over time and create long term dental health problems.

  • Straight smiles help build confidence - Some people are afraid to show their teeth when they smile because they are embarrassed of their crooked teeth.  Orthodontic treatment can help build the confidence to smile freely.

If you would like to learn more please request an appointment by contacting our office or filling out the form online.