Treatment for Adults

An increasing number of adults today are seeking orthodontic treatment.  In fact, almost 30 percent of our patients are over the age of 21.  Some adults had treatment as a teenager and have experienced a relapse in the crowding of their teeth.  Others have never had braces and are finally looking to do something for themselves to improve their smiles.

Orthodontic treatment is not only meant to improve the look and feel of your smile, but also to improve the overall health of your teeth and gums.  Now we have options for adults other than the traditional metal braces, such as clear ceramic braces or clear aligner trays.

Here are a few common reasons why adults are considering treatment:

  • Desire for a healthier more confident smile 

  • Crowded teeth that make it hard to maintain cleanliness

  • Unwanted spaces that have opened between teeth

  • Uncomfortable bite that does not feel like it fits together

  • Need to straighten teeth to allow for new dental restorations as recommended by the general dentist

Orthodontic treatment is no longer just for kids.  Adults everywhere are seeing the benefits of getting treatment done now rather than letting their concerns for their teeth get worse.

If you would like to learn more please request an appointment by contacting our office or filling out the form online.